Phone rings, door chimes, in comes company!!

Who are you?

And what are you doing here?

It's okay if you don't know, since neither do I. All I know is that I'd like to indulge myself by learning HTML and making a goofy little website. It'll be a little of this and a little of that, since I'm unfortunately a dilettante. Or a jack of all trades, if I'm being kind (and delusional).

I have a lot of interests, and I love to journal, so I'm sure I'll end up with a bunch of different pages about different things. I'll remind myself to keep things light and airy, which is hard for me. Let's be breezy and fun and...HA! I'm doomed to fail if I try to be anything other than myself. So instead let's be honest and passionate. Let's be authentic, since no one is reading this anyway, and there's no one to perform for. No need to calibrate and change, for once. I think I'll consider this website an extension of my favorite places on earth-- my journal and my bedroom.